Friday, October 12, 2012

Do you think horses are 100% better than people?

Let's say, hypothetically speaking, you wake up one day to find yourself stranded on a desert island. Given the choice, would you prefer the companionship of another human being or your horse?
Fortunately, this situation is very unlikely to occur, but I sometimes find myself thinking I would be better off surrounded by animals than people. Previous research has shown that talking to other creatures can help us deal with stress, anxiety, and other negative feelings. If it happens to be a controversial conversation topic, pets can be better than humans as they don't judge or complain, and will always stay loyal.

Consequently, it's no wonder that some people prefer to put on equestrian clothing and take their horses out for a stroll rather than spend time with other individuals. Singer Leona Lewis could be one of the people who much prefer the company of horses.

Speaking in an interview with The Guardian newspaper, the artist spoke about her fondness for horses, confirming that she believed they were 100% better than people.

Although Leona did not feel the need to confide in her steed, she talks to her animal about a variety of different subjects and feels quite comfortable in its company.

Granted, from the moment I put on my riding boots and jumped in the saddle I felt a certain kinship with my horse. However, even though I respect the singer's work, I have to disagree with this "100%" figure.

Although horses are certainly better at running long distances and jumping over fences than people, a steed cannot make dinner, go shopping, or hold a really stimulating conversation. As a result, I believe horses are closer to 80...possibly 90 percent better than humans.
Photo © astaristarry via Flickr under Creative Commons Licence

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