Friday, July 5, 2013

Horse riding into the future

So, L has been having riding lessons for just over a year and a half and she's a very happy young rider. Her riding boots are thoroughly worn in, she has two pairs of well-used jodhpurs, and her riding hat has been put to good use when protecting her in a couple of falls.

As a family we are learning to have horses and equine pursuits in our lives and we often accompany L up to the fields so that she can look after "the boys". L now rides Jake quite often and the owner is extremely surprised and pleased with Jake's, and L's, progress.

L is determined that horses will continue to feature in her life and as she makes plans for a future career, the strongest contender, at the moment, is for her to join the police force. She hopes that she could combine this with her love of horses and go into the mounted police division.
As a non-horsey mummy, I find this somewhat daunting, but she is strong-willed, a natural leader, and her love of horses certainly seems to be something she will not grow out of easily. So, perhaps this could be the perfect vocation for her.

We will continue to watch her riding lessons with great joy and, sometimes, a sense of trepidation as the exercises get trickier and the jumps get higher. And if you are considering taking your child to have riding lessons, I say, do it. It's fun, gets them out into the fresh air, they have to work hard and listen, and they learn respect for animals and each other.
Happy riding lessons everyone.

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