New Jumping Simulator Released!
Have you ever thought of trying out some show jumping or maybe even getting some practice cross country? Well, thanks to the new jumping simulator from Racewood, you don’t even need to even get on a real horse!
Racewood have built the new simulator to add to their collection of dressage, polo and racing simulators. Built to improve your confidence and eliminate faults exhibited by the rider, the jumping simulator can add bags of skills to riding without having to go anywhere near an ‘actual’ horse.
So, how does it work? The simulator is built with leg sensors that respond to movement on all areas of horse tack such as the bit, the saddle and the stirrups. The horse will jump perfectly every time so the simulator will show if you are off balance or relying on aids such as neck straps.
The Racewood Jumping simulator will be available around Christmas time, but if you’re hoping to put this on your Christmas list, it may be your only present, as simulator costs start at £50,000!
Racewood have built the new simulator to add to their collection of dressage, polo and racing simulators. Built to improve your confidence and eliminate faults exhibited by the rider, the jumping simulator can add bags of skills to riding without having to go anywhere near an ‘actual’ horse.
So, how does it work? The simulator is built with leg sensors that respond to movement on all areas of horse tack such as the bit, the saddle and the stirrups. The horse will jump perfectly every time so the simulator will show if you are off balance or relying on aids such as neck straps.
The Racewood Jumping simulator will be available around Christmas time, but if you’re hoping to put this on your Christmas list, it may be your only present, as simulator costs start at £50,000!