Wednesday, October 26, 2011

New Jumping Simulator Released!

Have you ever thought of trying out some show jumping or maybe even getting some practice cross country? Well, thanks to the new jumping simulator from Racewood, you don’t even need to even get on a real horse!

Racewood have built the new simulator to add to their collection of dressage, polo and racing simulators. Built to improve your confidence and eliminate faults exhibited by the rider, the jumping simulator can add bags of skills to riding without having to go anywhere near an ‘actual’ horse.

So, how does it work?  The simulator is built with leg sensors that respond to movement on all areas of horse tack such as the bit, the saddle and the stirrups. The horse will jump perfectly every time so the simulator will show if you are off balance or relying on aids such as neck straps.

The Racewood Jumping simulator will be available around Christmas time, but if you’re hoping to put this on your Christmas list, it may be your only present, as simulator costs start at £50,000!

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Real War Horse

With the forthcoming War horse film set to be released in January, a book has been recreated to tell the story of a real war horse.

Warrior: The Amazing Story of a Real War Horse tells the story of Winston Churchills friend, General Jack Seely and his 33 year old horse. Their story tells of the journey as they headed to France in August 1914 during the First World War.

The book was first published back in 1934 as ‘My Horse Warrior’. Brough Scott, Jack Seely’s Grandson introduced the new edition which also contains pictures of Jack and Warrior with his military long riding boots and horse riding clothing.

“His escapes were quite wonderful. Again and again he survived when death seemed certain and indeed, befell all his neighbours. It was not all hazard; sometimes it was due to his intelligence. I have seen him, even when a shell has burst within a few feet, stand still without a tremor – just turn his head and, unconcerned, look at the smoke of the burst," wrote General Jack Seely.

Warrior: The Amazing Story of a Real War Horse costs £14.99, for more information please visit -

For more information about the War Horse film, see our Blog Post by clicking here.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Royal Gold State Coach goes in for a 'Service'

The Royal Gold State Coach is going in for a major refurbishment just in time for The Queens Diamond Jubilee next year.

The Royal coach has been used for every coronation of a British monarch since George IV. Built back in 1792, it’s an incredibly prestigious piece of Royal History which weighs 4 tonnes and is 24ft long and is pulled by 8 horses.

Johan Ulvede, a Master Saddler from Devon has been working on the beautiful piece of horse tack, as the straps needed a complete overhaul.

“I’ve done other work for the Royal Mews but this is the most prestigious,” said Johan who has been reworking the suspension straps for nearly a year with six rows of hand stitching on each of the four 4m straps.

“It’s a thorough process. The straps were deteriorating, so I’m stripping them back and overhauling them.”

“The days are long and there’s been a lot of stitching, but I’m really enjoying it.”

The Royal Gold State will be completed and handed over by November, ready for next years Royal celebrations.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Watch HOYS in 3D!

You may want to pull out your riding boots after experiencing the new Sky Sports broadcast of Horse Of The Year Show (HOYS 4 – 9 October) in 3D. Following in the footsteps of rugby, football and cricket, Sky sports will be showing the very first 3D equestrian show the world has ever seen.

Despite Sky 3D being launched only a year ago, the coverage will include international classes such as the speed horse, accumulator classes through to the Pony Club mounted games! Sky has also teamed up with event organisers for this jump along feature – equestrian clothing at the ready!

“I’m really excited,” explained managing director of HOYS, Helena Pettitt.

“To see a horse jumping out of the screen will be amazing."

Robin Broomfield from Sky 3D explained that ‘3D lends itself very well to equestrianism’ and compares well to other sports such as rugby which got viewers jumping out of their seats. 

Visitors to the show will be able to watch the 3D footage at the Lakeside bar, however home viewers able to watch the show in 3D are likely to be fewer, given 3D television only being available to purchase in the last year.