Friday, March 11, 2011

A solution to broken mobile phones, get a Tuffphone!

Have you ever had that sinking feeling seeing your beloved mobile phone slip out of your hands and fall to the floor; that split second moment where you bend down to pick it up, cringing as you turn over to see what the damage is?  Well this has happened to me on one too many occasions, too many a time have I been out riding or in the yard and seen my mobile crash to the floor, or even on one occasion straight into the water trough, rendering it completely useless.  Now don’t get me wrong I love my smart phone, sometimes it feels like it’s my sole contact to the outside world when I’m having one of those weeks where all I do is horses, work, horses, eat, bed (repeat daily), but it’s just not practical with the humdrum of daily rural life.  Touchscreens smeared with mud till they can’t even sense your fingers, straw sticking out the earpieces, water damaged screens and in the winter trying desperately to tap in a number in through my begloved hands only to realise the damn touchscreen won’t work with them on…ok so you get the picture.

So, it got the point last week that I decided to take it upon myself to find a solution to this constant issue of mine (and I’m sure one that’s shared by a lot of you out there), so I sat down and did a bit of research on the internet (well where else).  Amongst my findings was this site selling a product that I didn’t even realise existed – phones that can withstand being dropped from or trodden on by a horse, phones that are waterproof, phones that you can use with work gloves on, phones that can withstand the day to day rigours of country-cum-horse owning life, in a word, phones that are tough…hence Tuffphones!

Having looked through the site it suddenly hit me the uses such a phone could have and I have to say there was also a twinge of “why hadn’t I though of this.”  Cos it’s not just me that needs these phones, pretty much anyone that works outside could do with a Tuffphone in their life; farmers, sailors, builders, the military, the need is far greater than what is promoted by phone companies.  I think the problem is that most phones are getting smaller and smaller, smarter and smarter and more intuitive and the need for more rugged mobiles has taken a back seat, until now it seems.

So the point to my blog piece here is a simple one, if like me you are fed up with ruining your mobile with a constant exposure to the elements, if you feel like your phone needs to man up a bit and take a drop on the chin, then there are now phones out there that can do this, and seem to house the best ones on the market.



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