Friday, June 5, 2009

Keep your horse happy in its leather bridle

A good quality leather bridle should be viewed as an investment. With the right care, a leather bridle can last for years and will certainly look and feel nicer for your horse. As the bridle is one of the main points of communication between horse and rider, ensuring your horse is happy in its bridle is paramount for a contented and willing mount. As well as buying the right bridle and fitting it correctly, other checks need to regularly be made to prevent any discomfort to your horse that could lead to injury and behavioural problems.

Before fitting the bridle, check for any dirt or signs of wear and tear - broken reins are the last thing you want when galloping across the downs or halfway over an oxer. Many riders forget to check the bit, but sharp edges or rough patches could harm your horse so ensure that you take the time to thoroughly inspect it.

Tips for keeping your trusty steed's mouth happy

Your horse's teeth should be checked or rasped every six months. Not dissimilar from filing one's nails, 'rasping' is where the vet will simply use a rasp inside the horse's mouth to smooth down any sharp edges of the horse's teeth. As horses' teeth grow at different rates, some may need their teeth rasped more often then others. Although this is a painless procedure, some horses don't like it and may have to be sedated beforehand.

The 'bars' of the horse's mouth should also be checked. These are the spaces on the horse's gums between the front teeth and molars and are where the bit will sit. Check that there is no bruising or swelling which could indicate a poorly fitting bit.

Finally ensure you are using the correct bit for your horse. Using the wrong bit could harm your horse and hamper your ability to effectively communicate with it. You shouldn't change your horse's bit or leather bridle> without first consulting an expert.


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